Intro CS Assignments
Assignments by week:
Fall Term:
Winter Term:
Spring Term:
Monday, April 8
  • Continue working on LineFollower robot. Final run will be Thursday at the start of class.
  • Take time tonight to re-read your code and make any style changes that are necessary to make it easier to understand. Variable names, comments, etc are all ways to help me see what your understand, and you can work on this without being able to run your code.
Tuesday, April 9
Final LineFollower Build Day
  • Finish your LineFollower code; due at the start of next class.
Thursday, April 11
LineFollower Challenge
  • Solve the 12 coins problem (no peeking on Google!). Present an algorithm for finding the coin that weighs less than the others. Make note of the worst-case (highest number of weighings) required to find it. Write out your solution (on paper or electronically) and be ready to turn it in during class. The solution should be written in enough detail that anyone could follow it (not just someone who is familiar with the problem). Also, it should cover every possibility. You can use a sequence of steps, or a flowchart, or any other representation that you think makes the solution easy to understand.
  • Extra challenge: suppose that we know one of the 12 coins is a fake, but we don't know if it's heavy or light. Devise an algorithm to find the fake, and determine if it is heavier or lighter than the other coins. What is your maximum number of weighings now?
Friday, April 12
AP Preview