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The digital poem below blends my recitation of Whitman's Section LII of Song of Myself with images from Willis Seaver Adams' three paitings, 1) Looking Across the River from My Garden in Suffield; 2) View of Feather Street, (in Suffield); 3) Greenfield Train Station.
Below is an example of a plugin
For more information about Willis Seaver Adams, click on the Kent Memorial Library local history web page. It provides a brief and helpful biography of Adams.
I also found some biographical material on the web page of the Oxford Gallery of Rochester, NY.
Paintings of Adams reside throughout the Connecticut River Valley; besides Suffield Academy and Kent Memorial Library, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College and Wadsworth Athenaeum display his work.
You can put one of these writing samples down below as an anchor. For this essay, I hope to have us all make a digital essay out of our written work. This can be our next project. How many people know how to use I-Movie? We will use that as our platform for more fun!