Hemingway Page for Spring Break Reading
Use the table to navigate your way through Hemingway's novel that was also a seminal work of modernism; just as we learned about romanticism in the fall and realism in the winter, we will have fun exploring work of modernism this spring. Click on the Modernism link to see the poems and prose works that we will study; you can also see the major points of modernism that will help us add context to the works that we read.You will find that there are many fragmentary moments in this narration, particularly when Jake is living life out of balance. Click on the modernism page to find out how the reader is required to put the narrative puzzle together is the author's motive from the start.
Terms | Reading Questions | Modernism |
The following words/terms are in order of appearance from the three books
in The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
featherweight: 1 : one that is very light in weight; especially
: a boxer in a weight division having a maximum limit of 126 pounds for professionals
and 125 pounds for amateurs
middleweight: one of average weight; specifically : a boxer in a weight division
having a maximum limit of 160 pounds for professionals and 165 pounds for amateurs
verify: 1 : to confirm or substantiate in law by oath 2 :
to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of
aperitif: an alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer
Pernod: a French liqueur
compatriot: a person born, residing, or holding citizenship
in the same country as another
concierge: (see below)
grievance: 1 obsolete : SUFFERING, DISTRESS 2 : a cause of
distress (as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for
complaint or resistance 3 : the formal expression of a grievance
liaison: 1 a : a close bond or connection : INTERRELATIONSHIP
b : an illicit sexual relationship : AFFAIR 3 a : communication for establishing
and maintaining mutual understanding and cooperation (as between parts of an
armed force) b : one that establishes and maintains liaison
livery: 1 archaic : the apportioning of provisions especially
to servants : ALLOWANCE 2 a : the distinctive clothing or badge formerly worn
by the retainers of a person of rank b : a servant's uniform c : distinctive
dress : GARB d chiefly British : an identifying design (as on a vehicle) that
designates ownership 3 archaic a : one's retainers or retinue b : the members
of a British livery company 4 : the act of delivering legal possession of property
manipulate: 1 : to treat or operate with the hands or by mechanical
means especially in a skillful manner 2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully
b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially
to one's own advantage 3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve
one's purpose : DOCTOR
semaphore : 1 : an apparatus for visual signaling (as by the
position of one or more movable arms)2 : a system of visual signaling by two
flags held one in each hand
chic: 1 : smart elegance and sophistication especially of
dress or manner : STYLE <wears her clothes with superb chic> 2 : a distinctive
mode of dress or manner associated with a fashionable lifestyle, ideology, or
platonic: 1 capitalized : of, relating to, or characteristic
of Plato or Platonism 2 a : relating to or based on platonic love; also : experiencing
or professing platonic love b : of, relating to, or being a relationship marked
by the absence of romance or sex
perish: 1 : to become destroyed or ruined : DIE <recollection
of a past already long since perished -- Philip Sherrard> <guard against
your mistakes or your attempts (perish the thought) to cheat -- C. B. Davis>
2 chiefly British : DETERIORATE, SPOIL
1 chiefly British : to cause to die : DESTROY 2 : WEAKEN, BENUMB
magnum: a large wine bottle holding about 1.5 liters
sommelier: (see below)
ostentatious: marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious
and sometimes pretentious display. synonym :SHOWY
juncture: 1 a : JOINT, CONNECTION b : the manner of transition
or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds in speech 2 : an instance
of joining : UNION, JUNCTION 3 : a point of time; especially : one made critical
by a concurrence of circumstances
daunting: to lessen the courage of
ladle: 1 : a deep-bowled long-handled spoon used especially
for dipping up and conveying liquids 2 : something resembling a ladle in form
or function
steward: 1 : one employed in a large household or estate to
manage domestic concerns (as the supervision of servants, collection of rents,
and keeping of accounts) 2 : SHOP STEWARD 3 : a fiscal agent 4 a : an employee
on a ship, airplane, bus, or train who manages the provisioning of food and
attends passengers b : one appointed to supervise the provision and distribution
of food and drink in an institution 5 : one who actively directs affairs : MANAGER
corridor: 1 : a passageway (as in a hotel) into which compartments
or rooms open 2 : a usually narrow passageway or route: as a : a narrow strip
of land through foreign-held territory b : a restricted lane for air traffic
3 : a densely populated strip of land including two or more major cities
pelota: 1 : a court game related to jai alai 2 : the ball
used in jai alai
carabineer: a cavalry soldier armed with a carbine
archivist: a person in charge of archives
peseta: Spanish, from diminutive of peso
Basque: 1 : a member of a people inhabiting the western Pyrenees
on the Bay of Biscay
2 : the language of the Basques of unknown relationship 3 not capitalized :
a tight-fitting bodice for women
sod: 1 : TURF 1; also : the grass- and surface of the ground
2 : one's native land
expatriate: 1 : to withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's
native country 2 : BANISH, EXILE intransitive senses : to leave one's native
country to live elsewhere; also : to renounce allegiance to one's native country
sallow: of a grayish greenish yellow color
fiesta: a saint's day celebrated in Spain and Latin America
with processions and dances
monastic: 1 : of or relating to monasteries or to monks or nuns 2 : resembling
(as in seclusion or ascetic simplicity) life in a monastery
gentry: 1 a obsolete : the qualities appropriate to a person
of gentle birth; especially : COURTESY b : the condition or rank of a gentleman
2 a : upper or ruling class : ARISTOCRACY b : a class whose members are entitled
to bear a coat of arms though not of noble rank; especially : the landed proprietors
having such status 3 : people of a specified class or kind : FOLKS
matador: a bullfighter who has the principal role and who kills the bull in
a bullfight
contortion: to twist in a violent manner <features contorted with fury>
intransitive senses : to twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression
swath: 1 a : a row of cut grain or grass left by a scythe
or mowing machine b : the sweep of a scythe or a machine in mowing or the path
cut in one course 2 : a long broad strip or belt 3 : a stroke of or as if of
a scythe 4 : a space devastated as if by a scythe
plateau: 1 a : a usually extensive land area having a relatively
level surface raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side : TABLELAND
b : a similar undersea feature 2 a : a region of little or no change in a graphic
representation b : a relatively stable level, period, or condition 3 : a level
of attainment or achievement
arcade: 1 : a long arched building or gallery 2 : an arched
covered passageway or avenue (as between shops) 3 : a series of arches with
their columns or piers
4 : an amusement center having coin-operated games
luminous: 1 a : emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing
light b : of or relating to light or to luminous flux 2 : bathed in or exposed
to steady light <luminous with sunlight> 3 : CLEAR, ENLIGHTENING
baton: 1 : BILLY CLUB 2 : a staff borne as a symbol of office
3 : a narrow heraldic bend
4 : a slender rod with which a leader directs a band or orchestra 5 : a hollow
cylinder carried by each member of a relay team and passed to the succeeding
runner 6 : a hollow metal rod with a weighted bulb at one or both ends that
is flourished or twirled by a drum major or drum majorette
picador: a horseman in a bullfight who jabs the bull with a lance to weaken
its neck and shoulder muscles
barrera: (see below)
contemptuous : manifesting, feeling, or expressing contempt
pivot: 1 : a shaft or pin on which something turns 2 a : a person, thing, or
factor having a major or central role, function, or effect b : a key player
or position; specifically : an offensive position of a basketball player standing
usually with back to the basket to relay passes, shoot, or provide a screen
for teammates 3 : the action of pivoting
veronica: (see below)
mystification: 1 : an act or instance of mystifying 2 : the
quality or state of being mystified 3 : something designed to mystify
kiosk: 1 an open summerhouse or pavilion 2 : a small structure
with one or more open sides that is used to vend merchandise (as newspapers)
or services (as film developing)
apportion: to divide and share out according to a plan; especially : to make
a proportionate division or distribution of
armoire: a usually tall cupboard or wardrobe
trough: 1 a : a long shallow often V-shaped receptacle for
the drinking water or feed of domestic animals b : any of various domestic or
industrial containers 2 a : a conduit, drain, or channel for water; especially
: a gutter along the eaves of a building b : a long and narrow or shallow channel
or depression (as between waves or hills); especially : a long but shallow depression
in the bed of the sea -- compare TRENCH 3 : the minimum point of a complete
cycle of a periodic function: as a : an elongated area of low barometric pressure
b : the low point in a business cycle
buoyant: having buoyancy : as a : capable of floating b : CHEERFUL, GAY c :
capable of recovering : having positive indications
Reading Questions (these are optional and may help you focus on the important issues)
1. One of Hemingway's original titles for the book was The Lost Generation.
In what ways are the people in the novel lost? In what ways has expatriate life
in Paris corrupted the characters?
2. What do we learn about Jake's insecurities and conceptions of masculinity
from his attitudes towards Robert Cohn and the gays at the dance club (28-29)?
3. Why do you think Jake picks up Georgette? (See pp. 22-28.) What do you think
it takes to be "one of us" (40, 67)?
Why do you think Harvey Stone and Frances give Cohn such a hard time? Why is
Frances going to England (55)?
4. Compare / contrast Jake's relationship to Brett with Cohn's relationship
to Frances. (For example, compare how each man is treated by the women. Why
do you think the women act as they do in these relationships?)
5. Compare / contrast Jake and Cohn. How does the fact that Jake went to war
and Cohn did not make them different from each other? In what ways are they
like / unlike the rest of their friends? In what ways are they both outsiders?
6. In what ways is Count Mippipopolous like / unlike Jake and his friends? What do you think the count means by "values" (67)? (See p. 120.) Why do you think Brett says he's "dead"? What sort of "values" (78, 152, 156) does Jake have? Do you think he sticks to them?
7. Why do you think Hemingway includes the stories of the drummer (69-71) and
the boxer (76-78)? What do you think goes in the ". . . . . ." on
pp. 70-71?
8. Comment on some implications of the word "blind" (61, 105, 141)
in the text. Do you think Jake prays for the right things in Pamplona (102-03)?
What do you think is so "nice" and so "awful" (107) about
Robert Cohn?
9. Why do you think Cohn is verbally abused so often in the novel? Is it because he is Jewish? (See pp. 101-02, 104, 145-48, 181.) Why do you think Mike attacks Cohn but not Jake, whom Brett actually loves? Why do you think Cohn accepts so much abuse? Why does he finally lash out (194-99)?
10. Bill tells Jake that "Sex explains it all" (121). To what extent is Bill's statement true of the novel The Sun Also Rises? In what ways are Brett, Jake and Cohn alike? (See pp. 101, 146-148, 163-64, 166, 179, 186-88, 194-99.)
11. Do you find Lady Brett Ashley to be a sympathetic character? Do you think
she is a positive female role model? In what ways is her treatment of her male
friends justified or unjustified? What do you Jake means when he says "the
woman pays and pays and pays" (152)?
12. Read closely and analyze one of the longer passages in which Hemingway
describes bulls or bullfighting. What sort of language does Hemingway use? Does
the passage have symbolic possibilities? If the bullfighting passages do not
advance the plot, how do they function to develop themes and motifs?
13. Analyze the novel in the context of World War I. How does the experience
of war shape the characters and their behavior? Examine the differences between
the veterans, like Jake and Bill, and the nonveterans, like Cohn and Romero.
14. Discuss the problem of communication in the novel. Why is it so difficult for the characters to speak frankly and honestly? In what circumstances is it possible for them to speak openly? Are there any characters who say exactly what is on their mind? If so, how are these characters similar to each other?