English IV Honors


Mrs. Stowe

Suffield's Homepage


Pope's Rape of the Lock

The Iliad

Swift's Gulliver's Travels





Mary Shelley

Second Generation of Romantics

Charles Dickens


Virginia Woolf

William Butler Yeats

John Synge

Archival web pages from Mr. Sullivan's 2001-02 class

Course Perspective

This is a year-long course designed for students with advanced skills who will take full advantage of a challenging and rich curriculum. The course focuses on critical analysis of the readings and on the articulate expression of original ideas through writing and class discussion. After beginning with Lattimore's translation of The Iliad, English IV Honors picks up where English III Honors concluded. Students will approach the Neoclassic age through The Rape of the Lock and Gulliver's Travels. These are followed by the early Romantics Wordsworth and Coleridge. By spring term the course has moved into the twentieth century with such representative figures as T.S. Eliot and W.B. Yeats.

Prerequisite: permission of the Department Chair.